Marketing automation at a very basic level allows marketers to collect and analyze consumer information, design targeted marketing campaigns, and send messages at the right times to the right audiences. And now, marketing automation, supercharged by AI, unleashes unprecedented power for marketers. According to a McKinsey analysis, marketing is the domain where AI would contribute the greatest value.


By gaining better control over various stages of the funnel, customer experience, and journey, marketers can now aim at providing higher ROI on marketing investments. Higher value-added benefits such as real-time personalization, predictive analytics, and lightning-fast decision-making, empower marketers to optimize engagement at every touchpoint with unrivaled precision.

At Insight, a B2B firm where email marketing plays a key role in the generation of leads, an AI-powered system was developed to automate the process of email content generation to target multiple audiences. The manual effort to craft a contextualized message to each audience, tracking opens and clicks, and developing an overall view of the customer journey was reduced to zero.

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